
5 Amazing Ways to Utilize Your Garage

How do you feel when you walk into your garage? Do you feel good – like everything has its place? Or do you feel like you are taking your life in your hands as you make your way through the items that are strewn across the garage floor?

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Resolved to Get Organized in 2016? Part II: Small Changes That Add Up to Big Gains When Keeping Closets Organized

How many of us have stood in front of a home closet jammed with clothes, shoes and accessories while frowning and pronouncing, “I have NOTHING to wear!” Sound familiar? The irony is that when we walk into our favorite clothing store, we can match up items to wear in a fraction of the time it takes to ferret out a suitable outfit from items we already own.

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Resolved to Get Organized in 2016? – Part I: Succeed with a Customized Solution

It’s that time of year again when we count down the minutes of the old year and make grand plans for the incoming, new year.

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Choosing a closet design company

What is your process for contracting a Home Improvement expert? Do you get referrals from friends and family or google anyone in your area? However you go about it, it’s essential that you do your homework. Interview them over the phone. Are they friendly, helpful, accommodating? It’s extremely important to be able to communicate effectively…

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Closets, Closets, Closets…

We’ve been very fortunate to have some of the greatest customers in the world. But even the bids that don’t go our way, we’re still genuinely happy that people are using the gift of organization! New construction is getting back on track and studies show that 30% of new homes are coming equipped with closet…

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